The Widetrack Chronicles 55: Gone Dark

The Widetrack Chronicles 55: Gone Dark

Our new 2019 monthly song for June: 

Zach Tippin: bass, guitar and keyboards  
Ron Tippin: vocals and drums    

Recorded and mixed by Zach Tippin at Widetrack Studios, Michigan  

Written and produced by Ron and Zach Tippin  

Lyrics by Ron Tippin

For an overview of the entire album storyline, click here:​​​​​​​

Crazy how fast the time goes by... We’re already halfway through our new album, with our sixth monthly song of 2019: June’s ‘Gone Dark’... 

This one definitely lives up to its title... Some deep stuff here... 

This song was originally inspired by a friend of mine who I had to block on Facebook because his non-stop pushy political comments on my posts became increasingly rude and unwelcomed... 

I had sincerely hoped that we could have kept all that stuff separate from our friendship and stay focused on what is most important in life… 

Unfortunately, this guy, like many others out there right now, is completely enthralled with shoving his political and religious opinions down others’ throats… 

It’s just as alarming as any type of disturbing cult-thinking I’ve come across… People are willing to throw away lifelong relationships over this newfound platform of rhetoric spewing on their social media profiles... They just can’t help themselves... 

One of the biggest problems I have been seeing with all this is the bad-faith, “straw man” approach so many of these people opine from... 

For instance, this guy assumed things about me that were by no means entirely true, but they fit his false narrative, so he posted them anyway, arguing with a fictional version of my true views... 

This continued until I felt I had no choice but to block him...

Such a waste... 

Because of this experience and other experiences like it, I have thought a lot about where these volatile conversations often go wrong, and I truly believe many of them could be fixed by way of the “Steel Man” argument approach... 

The “Steel Man” argument approach is basically when one gets a clear understanding of what their “opponent’s” actual views are...

Then, one reiterates their opponent’s position back to them in a way that causes them to say, “Yes, that is exactly my position...

Then and only then, one proceeds to argue with that... 

Imagine how much confusion and misinterpretation we could clear up if only we took the time to make sure we weren’t projecting our doubts and fears onto others before we engage with their positions... 

This is difficult enough in person, but through the insular anonymity of social media, it presents an unprecedented challenge to human communication/connection... 

Will be rise to this challenge and the better angels of our natures prevail?

Judging by the way things have been going, it's difficult to believe this will be the case...


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