The Widetrack Chronicles 76: Activism of Consciousness


The Widetrack Chronicles 76: Activism of Consciousness


2020’s been a game-changer year thus far... Many plans come to naught, much uncertainty taken root... The good, the bad, the ugly... 

Looking at the world today, it's hard to remain positive about what lies ahead... but the alternative is far worse, in our opinion... 

Like many people, we have our political/religious/lifestyle positions in regards to why things are the way they are... But we know how counterproductive it is to push those ideas onto people who would otherwise remain our friends... It’s an issue of common respect... 

Absolutely, we’re always willing to talk with our friends, family and acquaintances about life's "Big Issues", so long as they're committed to having productive, truth-seeking conversation... 

But the fact is, there’s plenty of noise in the world already without further adding to it... So instead we try to focus more on improving ourselves, our musical creativity, and, at the risk of sounding slightly pretentious, our consciousness... 

The old term, “Garbage in, garbage out” holds a great deal of validity, in our opinion... One must be mindful not to feed the brain with junk and trivial things in this day and age... It’s all too easy to let the garbage just roll on in and corrupt one's consciousness... which all too often ends up compromising one's dreams...

We have this one life to self-actualize into the people we desire to be... And this life goes by so very fast... The time we think we have to do what we dream of doing isn’t as limitless as many of us would believe it is... 

I think of how Zach joined Widetrack at age 12... He’s 16 now... He’ll be graduating high school next year... That time flew by at hyper-speed... 

One of the biggest things that helps us come to terms with such a stark reality is the ways in which such elapsed time has been spent... 

For us, knowing that we've gotten music written, recorded and released helps us to feel better about the fleeting years...

Because there are few things as tragic as a life not having lived one's truest purpose... 

I (Ron) remember when I first wanted to become a musician… I felt like I needed permission to do it, for some strange reason… But once I became a drummer who played real gigs, that initial fear slowly became more and more laughable to me… 

Years later, I decided I wanted to become a singer/songwriter… That same fear entered my consciousness once more… I took a lot of hits to my ego and to my heart… A number of people told me to "just keep doing what I do" as a musician, and not try to creatively evolve beyond the limited perception they had of me... 

But I instead decided to ignore those voices, and slowly over time, once again, that initial fear became a faded memory… 

As a result of such experiences, I try to never forget how that fear can initially be all too real for some people…  

And that has become one of our biggest messages that we try to put out there as much as possible: the idea that no one has a right to tell you who you are and what you‘re here on this planet to do… Your self-actualization is your birthright… 

This is our “activism“ if you will… an “Activism of Consciousness"… The desire to encourage others to stay true to their journeys of self-actualization and creative evolution… 

Life is too precious a gift to squander...

It’s totally up to you... Don’t wait... Start now.

Always love hearing from you!
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